Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Falling in Love With Google

A Google+ commercial came out not too long ago that made me stop and say "aww" because it was one of those cute little videos that you know never really happen in real life, but wish were true:

Google picked the right music and the right demographic for their ads. A lot of guys I know who saw this were a little angry at it, but overall it had a great effect. Well, Google has done it again, this time with a simple e-mail that turns into a complex message:

Once again, the music is right, the pictures and videos are perfect and there's a ton of romance behind this guy's request for coffee. I guess this happens in real life, but does it really happen in real life? 

I think the message is clearly that we should fall deeper in love with Google than we already are because we too can transform our lives with the help of Google. What do you think?

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